Unemployment Numbers Remain the Same in April

Georgia’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in April was 5.5 percent, unchanged from March. The rate was 6.1 percent in April 2015.

All 14 metropolitan areas in the state added jobs, as Georgia gained 10,600 jobs to reach a total of 4,371,300 in April. Georgia’s over-the month growth rate was .2 percent, compared to the nation’s .1 percent growth rate. Over the previous three years, Georgia has gained an average of 5,700 jobs from March to April.

Most of the increase came in professional and business services, 7,200; information services, 2,400; manufacturing, 1,800; other services, 1,300; and trade, transportation and warehousing, 1,100. The overall job gains were somewhat offset by losses in government, 1,600; education and health services, 1,500; and financial activities, 1,100.

To learn more about career opportunities, Employ Georgia and other GDOL services for job seekers and employers, and to connect with us on social media, visit www.dol.georgia.gov.