Rabun Gap Resident Reports Scam

The Christmas season is an excellent time for spending time with friends and family, and also a great time for giving. But, it is also unfortunately a time for scammers to take advantage of unsuspecting victims.

According to a report from the Rabun County Sheriff’s Office, a resident of Rabun Gap reported a scam by telephone. The resident claims that the caller stated that they were from Western Union, and the resident had one $999,000. Later in the same day, the same caller called and told the resident that he had one 2.5 million dollars. But, the caller wanted to know when the resident would be at home, as well as how many people were in the household.

Scams have become popular recently, some have claimed to receive calls from debt collection agencies, as well as Publisher’s Clearing House, among others. If you receive a suspicious call, hang up immediately, and dial 911.