Hearing Today for Tiger Mayor

Current Mayor of Tiger, Tom Ramey Jr., will find out tomorrow during a hearing, whether or not he will be allowed to run for Mayor again, says Rabun County Election Supervisor Tammy Whitmire…

“It’s gonna be in the Elections Office, around 11:30, it’s gonna be a part of our regular Board of Elections Meeting.”

Karon Miller, also running for Mayor of Tiger, has accused Ramey of not living within the city limits of Tiger…

“Ms. Miller will present her evidence to the Board of Election’s Board Members, then Mr. Ramey will have an opportunity to also speak.”

The decision will fall on the shoulders of the members of the Board of Elections…

“The Board will determine from what they hear, and what’s presented at that meeting, they will determine whether or not there’s sufficient evidence to withdraw him as a candidate for Mayor.

If the Board does decide against Mayor Ramey, He will still be allowed to complete his current term as Mayor, and any decision made tomorrow can be appealed to the State Supreme Court. The meeting is open to the public.