92% of Cancers caused by HPV could be prevented by Vaccine

During 2012-2016, an average of 43,999 HPV-associated cancers were reported each year, according to a new study published in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Among the estimated 34,800 cancers probably caused by HPV, 92% are attributable to the HPV types that are included in the HPV vaccine and could be prevented if HPV vaccine recommendations were followed, according to the report.  HPV is a common virus that can lead to certain types of cancers in men and women. It causes cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, penis, anus, and oropharynx (back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils). The HPV vaccine protects against the types of HPV that most commonly cause these cancers. CDC recommends that all preteens get the HPV vaccine when they are 11 or 12 years old to protect them before they are ever exposed to the virus. However, additional new data shows little progress toward increasing HPV vaccination rates among teens ages 13- to 17-years. The HPV vaccine is recommended for everyone through age 26 if they did not get vaccinated when they were younger. Vaccination is not recommended for people older than 26 years. However, some adults ages 27 through 45 years who are not vaccinated for HPV may decide to be vaccinated after speaking with their doctor about their risk for new HPV infections and the possible benefits of vaccination. HPV vaccination in this age range provides less benefit, as more people have likely been exposed to HPV.  In addition to HPV vaccination, cervical cancer screening is recommended for women ages 21-65. For more information, visit https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/hpv/index.htm.