Tallulah Falls needs You to be counted

The Town of Tallulah Falls needs you to be counted in the 2020 Census.  If you are filling out the census for your home, you should count everyone who is living there as of April 1, 2020. This includes anyone related or unrelated to you who lives and sleeps at your home most of the time.  Please be sure to count roommates, young children, newborns, and anyone who is renting a space in your home. If someone is staying in your home on April 1, and has no usual home elsewhere, you should count them in your response to the 2020 Census.  If someone such as a college student is just living with you temporarily due to the COVID-19 situation, they should be counted where they ordinarily would be living on April 1, 2020.  Please count everyone living in your home. Where there are more people, there are more needs. An accurate count helps inform funding for hospitals, fire departments, schools, and roads for the next 10 years.  The Town of Tallulah Falls is currently at a 33.0% response rate compared to 58.9% for the whole state of Georgia. Please take the time to be counted.  You likely have already received an invitation in the mail.  You can respond online, by phone, or send it by mail.  If you do not respond, a Census taker will be visiting your home to help you.  Take the census by visiting 2020census.gov.