Rabun County Road Department offers update

According to the Rabun County Road Department, with the heavy rain sustained in previous months, many of the road improvement projects across the county have been placed on hold or delayed.

In the last four months alone, Rabun County has received a total of 36.25 inches of rain and more than 150 inches in the past sixteen months.

With that amount in mind, many projects have been slowed down due to the number of rainy days and the problems that have occurred as a result.

However, crews are now continuing work on many of the mudslides around the county. Though according to the department, as the wet weather persists, many of the slides are still sliding which require constant repair.

Along with the everyday jobs of grading, replacing and cleaning out culverts and ditches, the mowing crews have begun to make their rounds.

Of the most recent work completed, crews recently finished re-grading the front of the PAWS For Life building and poured a new sidewalk to make it A.D.A compliant.

Other projects include the grading at the golf course, widening of Biddy Mountain in preparation for paving, as well as completing a 9.2 mile paving packet that includes a section of Warwoman, Laurel Lodge, Boggs Mountain and Persimmon Creek.

Other upcoming projects include the widening of Boykin Road and Claude Smith.