DARC Recommends New Member

The Development Authority of Rabun County recommends a new member.

The new business discussed at their meeting Monday involves filling a seat on the board which has been vacant for some time.

The nominating committee of the Development Authority, namely Ashley Martin, says that he had been talking with Rabun County School Superintendent Matt Arthur, and nominated Arthur’s name be sent to the Rabun County Commission for the possibility of appointment.

The motion passed unanimously, and the Chairman of the Development Authority of Rabun County Tim Darrah says he is excited about the possibility of Arthur joining the authority.

“I think he will add a great dimension to this, especially in the area of workforce development, which is a big need. He also brings a lot of other perspectives which are probably not represented at this table. All of you have many perspectives, but this brings one I think will be a breath of fresh air to us.”

The Rabun County Commission discussed this recommendation at the meeting Tuesday, and approved Arthur unanimously.