Cold Weather Poses Threat for Water Systems
Rabun County’s Water system survived the first part of the week, for the most part, with no problems, says Public Works Director Moody Barrick…
“We didn’t have any problems with our water system, we did have one of the tanks(Mountain City) because they lost communication with the tank and couldn’t tell the level, but that’s not a big issue. So far we’ve not had any problems weather-wise as it relates to the water system.”
Barrick says the next few days though, could be trouble for the water system…
“Well this is going to be really cold, and for a longer duration, so it’s very likely that there are things that are going to freeze. Hopefully all of our pipes are low enough, but occasionally meters are close enough to the top of the ground that they will freeze. If the people will leave their water running, you know, the standard procedure when it gets this cold, leave something trickling in the house, you never know, this is going to be fairly extreme from what we’re used to, so things could happen.”
With temperatures forcasted to remain below freezing for the next couple of days, it would be a good idea to leave water running during the daylight hours as well.