Election Results for Rabun County

The headline during tonight’s election is for Post 3 for the Clayton City Council. Virginia Stewart and Debbie Chisholm end the night tied with 126 votes a piece. This will not be made official until tomorrow. If a run-off is needed, it will be held on December 1st.



Sunday Sales of Alcoholic Beverages- Yes (23/20)

Permit and Regulate Sunday Sales by Retailers of Malt Beverages and Wine on Sunday- Yes (22/19)

Mayor- Tom Ramey/Karon Miller (Tom Ramey over Karon Miller, 66/45)

Council Members- Mike Carnes, Brian Hansen, Karen Lovell, Ronald Moore

City Council-

(Willie Fortson over Danny Moore 137/79)

(Elizabeth Chapman over Roy Quilliams 144/123)

(Debbie Chisholm and Virginia Stewart tied with 126 votes a piece. Officially made tomorrow. Run-off would be on December 1st)

Tallulah Falls
Mayor- (Dan Hayes over Carl Seamon 49/34)
Council- (Bill Coldren and Teri Dobbs over Jimmy Franklin 51/48/47)